My dear husband got up this morning and asked if I would like to go to the big city with him. I said, "Sure let me throw my knitting in my bag" and off we went.
First stop Tim Hortons. The weather was fine, our favorite radio talk show on and I'm knitting away. He's done at the store and says "We better get gas and I'm hungry". No worries, I'm knitting like mad. Next thing I know he's going the opposite direction from home, and says "We'll just go for a little drive, what else have we got to do?" No worries, I'm still knitting!
Somewhere on the other side of Elora, a few hours away from home, I am getting to the end of the ball of yarn, and guess what? Yep, I forgot to put another ball of yarn in my bag.
The mister looks at me and says " I guess we have to look for a yarn store."
But living with former boy scouts, I was prepared. I had a ball of sock yarn and 2.5mm needles in the bottom of my bag that I had been carrying around for a month.

The yarn is a marl of black and tones of red, fushia and yellow, but the camera doesn't show them well. I didn't have a pattern either, so I decided to do a 3-1 rib. So add one more project to my WIP's.
Excellent! Being prepared for all car trips with extra knitting is always a good idea. Well done. :) And, I'm proud of the mister for suggesting a yarn store. Very good man you've got there (or very well trained ... both?) ...
I checked out Flickr, and put it up on my blog ... It's okay, but takes a little getting used to. I think I have it sort of figured out, but not very well yet, though I don't think it's too difficult. It gives you neat little options on how to post things in your sidebar too.
Ron's poking fun at you're "wagon", he he!!
You're always knitting eqipped no matter where you are so it doesn't surpise me one bit that you had something at the bottom of your bag just incase. Looking forward to seeing these socks. :-)
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