I bought some inexpensive beads at Walmart that were perfect. Ive been looking at it all day and I think a few more minutes of felting should have been done, but with my experience in felting I'll wait till I have to wash it and it will felt a little more.
I also fixed my daughter-in-law's little accident with her ball of yarn. Oh what a tangled web she can weave. But it's all better now and ready for her to knit with again.
My other accomplishment today was starting the textured rib sweater for my husband. I'm not usually a swatch kinda girl so I started the sleeve. For me this is a good way to swatch, you don't have to rip out if it works and if you do, your not ripping out too much!!

And after reading the Yarn Harlot's blog today about her cat, she's got nothing to worry about.
Look what I have to look at every day!

The bag looks fab! Love the beads. It finishes it off nicely :0)
I love your bag and I love the beads! Did the pattern call for that or did you just add them yourself?
I like your swatch. The mister is going to love it too!
LMAO at Russel!
Bag looks fabulous!! Thanks again for fixing the yarn. I'm queen of ball "Issues" I think.
That's ball of yarn btw. ha ha
Your colours turned out well. I will add the bead suggestion to the pattern.
Vicky, I don't think I get royalties. I'm just the knitter.
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