Isn't he looking so innocent and cute!

So, most of my afternoons this week have consisted of coming home (after working outside in the heat and humidity), having a shower and sitting on the back deck with a beer and my knitting.

Well, maybe a few more skeins of yarn to top it off.
I'm half way through the second sleeve of Julie's Aran.

My friend Samantha is looking for squares for an afghan for a family friend, so I whipped up a couple I found in Sally Melville's book 3,. I mailed them off yesterday , but don't tell her it's a surprise. I didn't tell her I was making some. I even threw in a crocheted one.

Sally has a really neat pattern for the mitered square, and used it in a jacket design. She also did the log cabin block that everyone is talking about.
These are the new stitch markers I made this week.

And last but not least I leave you with dumb dog picture. I don't understand what her fasination with standing on the table is. Doesn't look too bright to me!