Thank goodness he's a good natured cat!!!
After she went back to Toronto on Friday I had the perfect weekend planned. Nothing but lots of knitting. Saturday was minus 1 degree, a light snow falling, maybe a couple of good movies. I figured I could get two kitty-cat hats and 2 sets of mittens done. Then maybe I would try Julie's Mist scarf with some lovely fuschia angora I bought 2 years ago at the Knitters Fair in Kitchener.

Guess who showed up for a visit? Gramma's little angel.
The kitty-cat hat fit perfect, and we did get the mitts done late last night after she went to bed.
She went home this afternoon, after a morning visit to her great-gramma's and grocery shopping. So much for my quiet week-end of knitting.
Tonight I will start the other hat and mitts and then maybe by next week-end the scarf.
Tuesday night is our guild meeting and we get to work on our felted entrelac bags finally. After that it might just finish it before the next meeting.
Poor poor Russel. *lol* I knew they sold yarn at the dollar store. I bought some there once. It makes for good cat toys. :) Valerie showed me her felted hat, I like it! :) I love Paisley's kitty hat. I have a pattern floating around here somewhere for a kitty hat. I should make one for Lilykinsy. See you tomorrow!
I'm sure that Amanda will start dressing CM any day now!! I love Paisley's hat too - every little girl should have one. Yes, Amanda does ;o}
Woohoo, I found my kitty hat pattern! It's on the yarn Val bought me for my birthday so I could make Lily a kitty hat! :)
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