23 December 2010

I know...........

I've been very slack about blogging lately, but really I haven't had much to blog about.  I think it's just the season, work is hectic, and all the hustle and bustle about getting everything done is just a time sucker.

But Mr "D" was home for a couple of days and he really stepped up to the plate.  I'm afraid the granddaughters missed a lot of fun. Grampa was cutting and pasting and using up all their craft paper.
Look what he did,

these are for all the big people in our family and I'm aftraid the little people are getting little packages this year.
He decorated the tree all by himself for the first time.
I must say, we have a very eclectic assortment of ornaments.  Since the children were small we tried to add something new to the tree every year. Whether it was store bought or hand crafted, usually the latter.  I still have the beaded wreaths they made at school or scouts and brownies, the baby in a milk pod manger (from nanny), my crocheted snowflakes,  the mini stockings I knit last year, the plastic canvas dog house for our long departed dog,  my favorite ornament with Miss "P's" little fingers painted on to look like snowmen (darn kid made me cry), and lots of glass balls from many years of Christmases.
But I had the best surprise today when Mr "D" came home from work today.
I hadn't got anything new for the tree this year and he came home with the most awesome ornament.  Anyone who knows us knows exactly how much this little Timmie cup meant to me.  I'm still smiling.

And if I don't get back to blog till after Christmas, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday.
Oh, and we'll have some more yarn in the shop before the new year.


Monika said...

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Looking forward to shop update as usual! :o)

Phyl said...

I wish you & your family holiday joy and the very best new year!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Dad needs a hobby!

Samantha said...

RE: Dad needs a hobby! -- It looks like he has one! LOL

Love the timmies cup. Too cute!