Hip to be Square is moving along quite nicely... just the sleeves left to do.

And we had a lovely mid-November day...11 degrees Cellcius, and mostly sunny.
This is where the Lady-dog and I go for a walk. She loves it, she can run and frolic all she wants.

All I have to do is walk 3 minutes from my house and I get to see all this farm land.

We didn't have to wear our coats to the mall!
I just noticed your knit from your stash 2007 button. How's that going??
p.s. I just clued in to the song. haha
Huey is just great. Made me dance too. Now what was is I was going to tell you? I almost forgot. Woohoo. It's so funny to hear somebody else use Celcius. I hate to talk in Fahrenheit and Inches instead of C and cm
I love the blues & grey in the sweater on your needles. It's going to look so nice.
I think we all need more huey in our lives..... I think the sweater looks much nicer in the white adn blue than the green
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