practice and more practice.
As a child I remember my parents selling our piano because I wouldn't practice and now I regret not keeping up with it.
And as the old saying goes, the older we get the wiser we get. I've learned through knitting and sewing that patience really is a virtue. If you take your time and be patient you will get to the end with the results you love.
A while back I bought my mom's spinning wheel. It's an Ashford Kiwi, and such a nice little wheel, perfect for beginners.
She wasn't using it and I kept seeing so many beautiful hand spun yarns on ravelry, that I wanted to make beautiful yarn too. I picked up new parts at the local fiber shop and got her all tuned up and ready to spin.
I tried and tried, but I think I had high expectations that the fiber would spin itself and I would have gorgeous yarn instantly. Boy was I wrong. Then the discouragement set in, and the wheel was put in the back corner taunting me everyday.
With some videos by
Judith MacKenzie and YouTube, I got my mojo back and dusted that wheel off again.
I think the bobbins are just as beautiful as the finished yarn.
I took it slow and learned that my first yarns wouldn't be what I was ultimately shooting for and just kept spinning.
The practice and perseverance has paid off, I finally got a yarn that I love and can't wait to knit.
This is my favourite so far. It's 100% Polwarth and I couldn't wait to get it plied and ready to knit. Now I just have to find the right pattern.